So Punk – Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche

We have always loved the beautiful and elegant department store Le Bon Marché in Paris. Famed for being the first department store and selecting original objects from around the world to “transform shopping into an art de vivre”. Then as now they cite thrilling the senses and creating amazement for their customers as their aim.
In line with that, they selected our Rock On Handjob hooks to exhibit in their punk attitude exhibition this AutumnThey chose a rich colourful combination of hands in gold, black, hot pink, yellow and red which were all hung on a dark grey wall, it looked so very smart. We were delighted to collaborate with the exhibition team for ‘So Punk’ and we loved it for offering up a vivid, celebratory and larger than life party. We thought it was great, rock on! 4th September - 20th October 2019.